Why Is Everyone Talking About

Back Pain Expert Gav Noble?

Gav Noble is a nation-wide renowned back pain specialist and physiotherapist and resides in Lisburn, NI.

As well as being the leading back pain expert in Lisburn, Gav is also the founder of Gav Noble Physiotherapy, Northern Ireland’s most popular private physiotherapist clinic.

Patient Success and reputation

Gavin Noble has seen thousands of patients over the years, and with that has built up a wonderful reputation thanks to his thorough yet careful approach to treatment. With over 165 five-star reviews and even more word-of-mouth referrals, Gavin has solidified himself as the leading back pain expert in Lisburn.

Columnist in "Your Health" Magazine

Due to the huge success he has achieved with his private practice, Gavin is a regular columnist and contributor for the magazine ‘Your Health Today’ – frequently writing back pain articles to a wide audience.

Gav Noble featured in the Your Health Magazine for his expertise in back pain

Author of ‘Secrets for a Healthy Back’

Gavin Noble has put his years of experience and wisdom in treating back pain to good use as he has written the book, ‘Secrets for a Healthy Back’, aimed at helping back pain sufferers who have struggled for years and are steadily seeing their quality of life being diminished. It’s available to pick up in the clinic or on Amazon.
back pain expert in lisburn gav noble book secrets for a healthy back

Leading Authority In The Community

As the leading back pain expert in Lisburn, Gavin is well-known in the community and is a respected figure by both patients and other healthcare professionals. You may have heard about him through his partnerships with numerous GPs, orthopaedic specialists, and medical groups. The clinic has been a trusted referral partner for many years.
The back pain expert in lisburn Gav Noble

The X10 Physio Channel

Gav Noble is the founder of the The 10X Physio Channel on YouTube, where helps you 10X your health every week with powerful, in-depth health tutorials including:
  • Health advice Exercise tips to help injuries such as back pain, knee pain, neck pain, shoulder pain.
  • Advice on injuries like plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinopathy, sports injuries, running injuries.
  • Nutrition advice
  • Top exercises to help with injuries

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the back pain expert in lisburn report 7 easy ways to beat back pain without taking painkillers gav noble

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